Monday, March 11, 2024

Temperatures - Dry Season

 There are two seasons in Panama: the dry season and the rainy season.

Rainy season does not mean “Mosoon”! It simply means, it most likely will rain in the afternoon. the morning and noon time are usually sunny. Around 13:00 to 15:00 (1 to 3 pm) it clouds over, and rain will fall.

Right now is the dry season on the pacific side of Panama. That season usually starts around mid- to end of December, and lasts until mid-April.

Dry season also is the time when many bushes and trees flower. Here are pictures of a few examples…


Pink Guayacan Tree

Bougainvillea in Santiago, Veraguas - Arosemena Park

Today, we left Santa Catalina, Veraguas, around 4:30 in the morning, to drive to Camarón Arriba, Chiriquí.

When we left, the car reported 24C (75F). when we reached David, the capital of Chiriquí, around 9:30, the temperature had already climbed to about 29C (83F). When we left David around 14:45 (2:30 pm), the car showed 39C (103F). La Concepción (capital of Bugaba district) was about 2C (4F) less hot. 

When we left La Concepción around 18:00 (6:00 pm), it was still 32C (90F). And when we reached my house at 700 m altitude in Camarón Arriba, the temperature was already down to 27C (80F).

I do like warm, and I don’t mind really warm, but when the temperatures rice to the upper 30sC (upper 90s F) and above, it gets a little too hot, even for me! 🤪🤷‍♂️😝

Well, this trip just reconfirmed for me, that Camarón Arriba is ideal for me: the temperatures hardly reach 30C during the day, and drop to 20C at night (86F and 68C respectively). Perfect!

Such a cool feature of Panama, to be able to choose the ideal temperature range for you, simply by moving higher or lower on the mountains…

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