Sunday, June 23, 2024

Purpose of Life

Yesterday, after two days of not a single guest at the restaurant Mana Pizza Yolo, finally there were some visitors again! Among them three girls, who are staying at the hostal across the street. One is from Canada, one from New Zealand, and the third from the Netherlands.

I immediately noticed their awesome vibes. And before I could even explain the menu, a wonderful, deep conversation had started! As happens to be the case so often these days when I'm in the restaurant, the topic was the purpose of the human species on the planet, how to find and live our individual purpose in the world, and how to find happiness and fulfillment.

Sarah tried to take notes on her phone of various ideas and perspectives, so I pointed her to the Tool of the Universe blog.

One of the core aspects of the "tool of the Universe" world-view is, that the Universe guides us through coincidents into situations either that help us grow, or where we are needed, or (most often) both. 

This conversation was just such an experience again! It seemed to me, that they were very ready for just exactly the ideas I am able to share. Many questions were asked. Many aspects were touched upon.

Through this conversation they got answers to many questions they couldn't find answers before, a new and different perspective to view the world opened for them. And for me it was really nice, too. I've been searching all my life to find answers to these questions, and through these curious and open-minded youngsters, I was able to share the insights I was given along the way. And, as so often, their questions helped me, too, to delve even deeper and understand even better how it all fits together!

What took me a life-time to figure out, I shared in 1/2 hour. Now they can use their life-time to build on top of my insights. And when they are in their 60s, youngsters will most likely come into their life, and they will be able to share two life-times worth of wisdom with these youngsters...

Situations like this make feel hopeful for the world, that humanity is not going to self eradicate but will figure out how to live within the system without changing it to the point where humans no longer can exists. And, these conversations make me feel I shouldn't sign off just yet, because I still am useful on this planet!

When people want to hear about why I'm there, I'm explaining that my land and house are in Chiriquí (5 hours by car or a full day traveling by bus) but my heart is here in Santa Catalina. She's baking the best pizzas in town, as over and over customers have been enthusiastically proclaiming. 

Now, my heart does come with me to Camarón Arriba, when I go there to continue with the development of my house. So theoretically, she could just stay there with me. We could close the restaurant, sell the house that's planned to be the Hostal Un Mundo, and both retire to my place.  But...

Iris delights in surprising her clients with her wonderfully looking, and super tasty meals. It is a lot of work, but it provides happiness and fulfillment to her. And even though the restaurant is just barely paying for its costs, it is these opportunities for conversations that make me want to hold on to it, too.

After all, we're not here just to be comfortable, but to make a contribution to the continuation of the development of this creation! So, I guess, as long as we both have the energy to continue, we'll both be living mostly in Santa Catalina, Veraguas - welcoming and surprising our guests with our specialties for their body and their soul...

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