Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Leave the planning to the Universe...

When in Santa Catalina I spend most evenings at Iris' restaurant. Most of the guests there are travellers from other parts of the world: Europe, US, even South Africa and South America, too. 

Most often a conversation develops with one or the other group, usually about finding purpose and happiness in your life. So many of the folks in their 30s that end up visiting the restaurant are on an extended trip, with the purpose of finding purpose, fulfillment, and their mission. 

This is the topic I have searched about for all my life, and spent many, many days and nights pondering. Those who know me, know that I have found a different world-view, one that makes the quest for happiness and fulfillment much easier. 

Quite frequently the conversation becomes very inspiring - for them, because it is a completely different perspective and a completely new way to look at life, thus, holding a tremendous potential to get ahead in their quest. And for me, every young person, who is interested in more than just their own comfort, gives me hope that humanity might still be able to survive on this planet and not destroy it to the point where it becomes impossible for humans to live.

One of the key insights that I a often try to convey is, that leaving the planning and arranging up to the Universe works much better, than trying to do it yourself.

Despite how much humanity so far has figured out and come to know and understand, compared to how much there would be to know we are really barely at the beginning stages.  Try to draw a graph, with "0 knowledge" on one side, and "knowing all" on the other side. Then put a mark to where a potato-peeler would fall on this line, and where a dog, and where you, and where humanity as a whole. These 4 marks would be pretty much at the same spot - basically at the "0 knowledge" end - even if you were to draw the graph 4 km long...

With that realization in mind, how stupid and arrogant for us to think we should be in control of what's happening. Praying for something (or the newer idea of using your sub-conscience to manipulate what's coming to you) is just that. Acting, as if you know what is best to happen. God (or whatever you call it) needs a reminder and a pointer to know what to arrange for? Well, it makes no sense, and it obviously doesn't work! Never has (as far as I can observe) and never will (as far as I can imagine).

What does work, though - at least as much as I can observe and notice - is to leave the planning and arranging up to the Universe, and put your effort into trying to understand what is coming your way and why!

Since the first time this thought occurred to me more than 15 years ago until today, I have seen it over and over and over again, that whatever came my way needed something, and it was highly likely to actually happen, just because I am me, I behave as I do, react as I do, am passionate about what I am, have the skills, knowledge and experiences that I have. Also, it most often was exactly what I needed, too - not necessarily for my own comfort or ego, but for me to make the next step in my development to become an even more sophisticated, more capable tool that the Universe can use to get certain things accomplished.

BTW, I am much more "productive" when I am happy. It seems, that the Universe is aware of that, and takes care of that, too! I eventually get everything that I need to be happy and well taken care of - both spiritually, as well as physically!

My experience is, that the less I focus on what "I want", and instead focus on what I can "contribute", the more I get what I really need - automatically, by itself, without me having to do anything else except recognize, accept and embrace it when it shows up!

My life used to be full of struggle and always felt like running a steep slope uphill, swimming against the current. Well I was! Because I ignored where the current was going! Heck, I didn't even realize there was a current! Now, I still have to work, I still am often clueless, I still experiences crises, I still have to put effort into whatever I am doing - but, my life is full of amazing experiences, awesome rewards and accomplishments, and fulfilled, meaningful, and happy! 

The simple change I attribute all of this: I stopped focusing on what I want, what I plan, what I want to accomplish, and instead focus on what the Universe might hope to get done when it sends my way whatever shows up in my life.

It just like in a good job: If you focus on your work, the money shows up automatically in your account!

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