Thursday, July 21, 2022

Winter - in a different shape

 In Panama there are only two seasons: rainy season and dry season. The locals call the rainy season "Winter", and the dry season "Summer".

Rainy season doesn't mean monsoon like rains most of the day and night. So far, it seems it means it can rain in the afternoon. Usually, the mornings are dry, often sunny.
Early morning - Volcan Baru - the "Sleeping pregnant girl" from this perspective

So far, as a retiree, this rain in the afternoon was not bothering me at all. The opposite! It is very calming and peaceful to me to listen to the rain drumming on the tin-roof!

Rain, Rain, Rain...

Since I started building my home, however, it is a little bit of a different story! Now it is always a hoping for the rain not to start too soon. The workers are paid a daily rate. If the rain comes too soon, the day is cut short, the wage, however, stays the same. At 15$ to 20$ a day this isn't such a big deal. But, not getting ahead is a bummer...

Well, it is another opportunity for me to practice patience, and serenity. I can't change the fact that it rains. I can't force more, faster progress on the construction. I only can accept the rain, and find the beauty in it.

Thus I'm sitting on the porch, listening to the drumming on the roof, and writing my blog... Life is good!

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