Thursday, July 21, 2022

When building, having the right people is key

 After I purchased the land, the next step was to find an architect, who would take my drafts and convert them into a form that is useable for getting building permits. And while these processes are processing - at a very, very, very slow pace - I thought I'd start preparing the land.
My piece of paradise - still untouched

I connected with a guy who was referred to me by several "gringos" as reliable and knowledgable and english-speaker. He charged me 6 times the usual daily rate! But I had no idea even where to start finding contractors, sourcing materials, explaining what I want in Spanish, so I thought, I just have to bite that sour apple.

It started off really well. He seemed to understand what I was trying to explain, and talked "a good talk". However, already during the first two or three days of the retro (backhoe) working, I realized, there's something not right. 

The guy was basically sitting in his truck playing with his phone, and arranging for "other projects" that he appeared to have going at the same time. The retro operator was following his directions, but those directions where vague, and sometimes even wrong! Not sure if Mauricio didn't understand me, or didn't care, or thought he knows better what I want than me...
The work begins - cutting the driveway

By Thursday I decided that I better be there all day to supervise and direct the retro myself. Once I did that - even though my Spanish was at that time less than rudimentary - the retro driver turned out to be very capable, and very willing to get that done what I wanted!
Ever Morales preparing the site of my future home

Initially I had started to think the retro is a disaster, and it will take forever and a day to get stuff ready. However, it turned out, it was only Mauricio who was the monkey wrench in the process! 

So from that Friday on I was there all day, trying to explain what I needed to be done, asking for the retro operator's advice, and basically managing the process. And it worked really well!!!
a 180 degree panorama - house site on left, driveway on right

Ever, the retro driver, was very patient with me, and no matter what the topic, sooner or later we were able to understand each other.  And it was a real pleasure to watch him do his job! I could tell it was his passion. The machine seemed like an extension of his body. He could make it be forcefull, and gentle, move big quantities and just skim little detail to level the spot... Amazing! (If you are in the western chiriqui area and need a retro, I can highly recommend Ever Morales - ask me for his number.)

Once the retro work was completed, I followed the recommendation of Gabriel - the person from whom I purchased the land - and asked my now neighbor Sergio for his help. Gabriel told me he is very well versed in welding, concrete work, plumbing, and other construction tasks.

I started with a very small project, just to see how things are going.
Sergio working on the supporting wall that creates my first garden spot

 The first morning, his uncle Carlos came, too, asking if I have work for him, too. I thought, why not? Oh boy, these two guys were excellent!!! They created that little wall very quickly, made it look pretty, and filled the space behind it according to what I explained - first branches, then black soil.
ready to start putting the first seeds in the ground

Within two days my first little garden spot was completed! And I wasn't even there to supervise! I simply explained, then left them working, while I went hunting for materials and quotes and connecting with the architect.

They also worked patiently with me on the foundation for the concrete slab for my house. I'll write a separate post for that... lots of lessons learned there...
Carlos and Sergio working on the foundation of the house and septic pipes

Next, I wanted to prepare the "Monolito" - a wall at the side of the road, where the electric company will later put the meter. Sergio recommended his cousin Delmer for the electricity related work. So I hired Delmer, too, and the three of them built the supporting wall at the entrance to my driveway, integrating the monolito.
Delmer, Carlos, and Sergio - in front of half finished "monolito"

Delmer turns out to be not just good with electricity, but also a master in concrete work! I think they did an excellent job!
Right side of entrance to the driveway - with monolito and post for gate (still covered)

(If you are in need of capable, hard working construction workers, I can only highly recommend Sergio, Delmer, and Carlos, too! - Again, ask me for their contacts...)

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