Saturday, April 22, 2023

Panama - Pa'delante

 Panama is a central american country. As such it is not a rich country. And, they are still behind in many areas, compared to Europe, Canada, US and such. At the same time they are ahead of the US in several aspects as well!

I spent a lot of time in Panama City over the last two months. I observed many signs of improvements and many attempts to facilitate improvements in areas where it is urgently needed.

That's one of the big difference with the US. In the US there are no movements in any of the important topics: guns, two-party-system deadlock, public transportation, healthcare for all, schools, quality of education across the board, the (bad!) joke of a legal system, and so much more...

But, let me talk about Panama. Much more interesting! And much more to report about, too!

Here are a few pictures of bill-boards I noticed across the city and country:

These bill boards show, that the government is trying very hard to move the country forward in a good direction. Yes, the majority of the population isn't there yet, and doesn't care much about any of these topics - many are still struggling to put food on their table. But, as Panama is putting a lot of effort into educating their young, the change is going to be happening soon, I would say...

Panama has built schools in every little village! A governmental school - so it is affordable and accessible to everybody. Yes, not all schools have the best teachers - yet! But, that is changing already, as more and more kids are finishing university.

Panama also has general public health care system that everybody has access to. Imagine this! Panama has figured out a way to do this, while the oh so great US seems to be incapable of it! Oh, and the doctors in the public hospitals are quite well educated and capable! The hospitals may not look all too great, but the quality of care is impeccable! And VERY affordable, too, I may add!

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