Sunday, January 30, 2022

A rich selection of available real estate

Over the last two and a half months I have been looking at various properties that are currently on the market. Initially, I was a bit concerned as to whether I'll find something that will suit my needs and priorities.

Well, this worry has been replaced now by: How the heck am I going to choose the right one among all the ones I've seen so far!

What a lovely problem to have!

Originally, I looked at various locations all around western Panama. I excluded anything less than 100 km west of Panama City as the traffic is too crazy anywhere closer to that city.

I found very nice properties around El Valle de Anton, Cocle, very affordable ones on the Sona peninsula, and off course all over Chiriqui.

At this time I think I'll be focusing on the properties that are along the little 18 km long side-road off the Panamaerican Highway. 

It is off the beaten path, yet there are about 10 expats already living in the three villages Los Santos, Santa Rosa and Camaron Arriba. That is enough to have a little community, but not too many, so the area still has the local flair, and expats and locals are getting along nicely.

Two weeks ago, my host had gotten sick. Several of the local families around us checked in on him, one family even came and brought a pot of soup for him! Now, that is community to me!!!

The properties are a little more expensive here than in other parts, especially in other provinces. However, you can not overvalue having caring and friendly neighbors. ANd, they seem to be less costly than in high-demand areas like Volcan and especially Boquete.

Over time I learned about 12 properties that are currently available to purchase. Twelve (!) on only a 15 km stretch! There's a lot to choose from. From 1300 m2 to 17 ha, from the warm Los Santos to the cool Camaron Arriba. Lots with houses, and lots without. Some of the properties have fixer-uppers on them, which is ideal for me! I like little projects, and improving "my nest" ( and maybe one day some ladybird will show up and decide she likes it with its occupant)!

I decided not to rent for a year - even though everybody is recommending. I already know I like living here. I already know that this area is where I feel at home. However, it showed, that it is a good idea not to buy right away, but to wait a little. Word does get out that there's a "gringo looking for land". And eventually one hears about many, many properties.

I spent a lot of time driving around, taking every little side-road, too, to find "Se Vende" signs and contact the phone-numbers given. Usually I use WhatsApp, as that allows me to text in Spanish - using Google Translate. And I talked to all the people I met, asking if they knew about any properties. Over time, more and more people heard about me, and I learned about one property after the other.

 So now I have to choose. That's quite a challenge!

While I was working and having an income this was less of an issue. Even if I stretched myself a little thin, I could always make up for it. Now, however, I have a certain amount in savings available. I can not make up for budget overruns. It is most likely going to be my "forever home" - so it better really be exactly what I want and need. But there are so many priorities and some of them competing!

Still, I am happy I have this problem, rather than the issue that I don't find anything that would suit my needs...

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