Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Getting started

 First stop is at the sim-card booth. Like last time, there was a very friendly Señorita to help me find the best suitable offer. For the 30 days, the Digicel 4 week unlimited for 50$ seemed to make the most sense. She switched the sim card out quickly, and updated the network settings, and in 3 minutes I was connected again! Didn't even need to restart the phone!

Now off to the car-rental.

That's a bit more difficult. I had booked the car a month ago via booking, but I didn't receive an email with the reservation details. They did charge me the 130$, though! So, I stopped at every booth and asked if they had my reservation. Strangely enough, none of them had it. Darn! So I have to dispute that charge again! I hope they don't have to block my credit-card and send a new one! Would leave me without my main card...

Got a car at Budget. The rental itself is very inexpensive, but the legally required insurance is heavy! 30 days 800$! That's almost 30$/day!!! But, what can I do? Chiriqui is 400 km, can't walk that far!


By now, it's already 16:40. I wanted to stop by an Indian store to get some basmati rice, salt and pepper - so I can cook my meals. That store is closing at 5-something. The traffic is not bad at all going into town, and I arrive at the store shortly after 5. Oh my! They have all the stuff that I usually get at the Indian store - even prepared meals! And, these meals are storable at regular temperatures, don't need refrigeration! Yeay!

Now, find my way back to the Corredor Sur, and off I go to El Valle de Anton!

I find the Corredor Sur quite easily, but once on it, the signage is very confusing and totally useless for a non-local! I end up in the wrong lane and find myself on some side road. To get back onto the Panamerican Highway is a nightmare! 1/2 km took 50 minutes!!!! 

By now, it is 18:30 and the sun is about to set, and I still have almost 100 miles to go... 

Traffic is extremely heavy. Even though the closed the inbound lanes and use them for outbound traffic as well, we're moving at only about 20 to 30 mph, constantly speeding up, than slowing down to almost walking speed, then speed up again... stressful! I so do not want to be in or near a city!!! Once we meet the Rt 4,  about 30 miles west of the city, traffic is moving better, and 10 miles later, it's at the speed-limit of 50 mph.

Since it is pitch dark by now, I'm just trying to get ahead. It's close to 8pm, which is what I told the hostel would be my arrival time.

It dawned on my - thanks to my stomach reminding me - that I hadn't eaten anything since Miami 9 hours before. So I stopped at Carlitos Empanadas and Pizzas in Sajalices. The curried chicken empanadas were delicious! Especially with their homemade spicy sauces! The green one is called something like chimi churra and is not all too hot. The red-braun one, though, is rather hot - but still edible for me.

AT 20:20 I head out for my last leg for the day. The hostel is easy to find, and I get there at about 21:30. To my great surprise and amusement, it is run by a german family, who migrated to Panama about 15 years ago.

But, for today I had enough, and am just looking forward to pillow to rest my head...

BTW, I was really lucky! No rain all day! would have mad driving so much more strenuous and dangerous, too...

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